First Aid Emergency Blanket
First Aid Emergency Blanket

emergency blanket first aid role

  1. Sunscreen

In the hot sun, wearing a first aid blanket over your body can protect your body from direct sunlight.

  1. Keep warm

Wrapping a first aid blanket around your body absorbs heat and reduces body heat loss during cold weather in the wild.

  1. Reflective

Wrap the emergency blanket first aid around your body and use its reflective effect to help rescuers find targets; in addition, if you want to take beautiful photos and the light is too low, the emergency blanket can be turned into a reflector, and a dozen lights will illuminate your beauty.

  1. Stretcher

The emergency blanket first aid has good toughness, lightweight, softness, and strong plasticity and can be used as a stretcher. Of course, this kind of stretcher is only a temporary measure for short-distance use. Please pay attention to synchronous operation when using it; otherwise, it will be easily torn, and the patient will be injured.

  • After an accident, the body can be covered with an emergency blanket first aid to prevent the body temperature from dropping sharply.
  • When the vehicle breaks down in cold areas or at night, it can be used to keep the body warm.
  • It can be used as a reflective film to signal the rescuer.
  • On rainy days, the first aid blanket can be used as a rain poncho and can also be opened to make a canopy.
  • Put a first aid blanket in the sleeping bag to keep warm.
  • Use a blanket as aluminum foil to heat food near the charcoal. Melt a small amount of snow on a space blanket in the sun and pour it into a container.
  • Make a food/bear cache by wrapping the food in a blanket, tying it with string, throwing the line over a tall branch, lifting, and connecting the other end.
  • Build an outdoor refrigerator by wrapping food into balls, tying it up, and dropping it into a creek. (Press the end of the bag with a rock to keep it from floating away.)
  • Under hypothermia, the human body can wrap silver in it, gold absorbs heat, and silver returns heat. And when we are too hot and need shade, we can turn the silver towards the outside to reflect sunlight.